Mpirigiti: What and Where
The multi-purpose Mpirigiti Rural Training Centre was officially opened in 2018 by President Wendy Wintersteen.
In the Lusoga language, “mpirigiti” is the name of a highly prized tree (botanical name: Erythrina Abissinica). The many uses of the mpirigiti tree make it special to Ugandans — medicine, forage, source of dyes and firewood, protein-rich leaves for livestock, environmental benefits and much more. “We pray that we make our projects as useful as this tree,” states Iowa State University-Uganda Program (ISU-UP) National Director, Gideon Nadiope. When Ugandans see and hear the name of the training center, it conveys the concepts of health and well-being, both high priorities for the work of Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL).
In the process of building MRTC, service-learning students successfully dug up and moved a 25-foot-tall mpirigiti tree in the path of construction. The tree survived and today shows new shoots and leaves. The transplanted tree now has company. A young mpirigiti sapling was planted near the main building to honor Associate Dean for Global Engagement, David Acker’s efforts and dedication in bringing the training center to completion.
Mpirigiti Rural Training Center Location
- Program Office
- P.O. Box 218
- Bugabula Block 10
- Kamuli, Uganda
- +256 701 47 22 33
- Google Earth Coordinates: N0 56.004 E33 07.144