Janipher Namuyingo (Jane Saabi)
- Community Based Food and Nutrition Worker
Jane serves ISU-UP as a Community-Based Food and Nutrition Worker. She leads the identification, recruitment, and retention of members who benefit from Food and Nutrition Security Support groups (FNSSG) and strengthens current and graduated Nutrition Education Center (NEC) clients into groups to ensure they are food and nutrition secure. Before the creation of ISU-UP, Jane was a model farmer with crops and livestock from Kibumba Zone Naluwoli Sub-County, Kamuli district. Through Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns (VEDCO), she was trained as a Community Nutrition and Health Worker (CNHW). In 2010, she started providing nutrition services to the children in her community in the fight against malnutrition. She was the first host, Nutrition Education trainer, and later Nutrition Education Supervisor for Nutrition Education Centres (NEC) for Iowa State University-Uganda Program. Her role was to monitor day to day activities at the NECs and follow up graduated clients from the program to monitor adoption of services received while on the program.