Miriam Namata
- Community Innovations Specialist
Miriam graduated from Makerere University in 2019 with a Bachelors degree in Agribusiness Management. She is a former service learner, 2017 and successfully completed internship at Iowa State University – Uganda Program. She was a Student leader for the service-learning program in 2018 and the long semester program. She worked as a volunteer for the Community Income Generating Innovations project from May 2019 to August 2019. She was hired as a full time employee in September 2019 working with various income generating projects; crafts, soap making, book making and the sanitary towels project in Namasagali P/S, Nakanyonyi P/S and Namasagali College Staff Children’s primary school. She is responsible for the procurement of materials, marketing of items made and distribution of income to clients after sales are made. She also works with pupils in the home gardening project.